The Coco bridesmaid bouquet, beautifully combines ruscus, roses, rosebuds and hydrangea in a delicate arrangement.
The ivory and pale pink colours create a soft and romantic atmosphere, ideal for complementing a bridesmaid’s ensemble.
The handle is wrapped in a ribbon of your choice, ensuring ease of carrying and adds a subtle, stylish touch.
This handcrafted bouquet, in its gentle hues and refined appearance, aligns seamlessly with the bridal theme, enhancing the overall look of the wedding party.
All bouquets are made to order, so colours can be changed
Approximate Measurements:
Width – 35 cm
Depth – 35 cm
We will send photos for approval, every step of creating the bouquet of your dreams!
Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery of bespoke items. During busy times, we will be working in wedding date order, but will ensure delivery is made with plenty of time to spare! If you need it sooner, please let us know and we will try and fit you in
Barcode: no barcode